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Service Code: nlu

Language Understanding

Run in Postman

Whether you are using chatbots, voicebots, or process automation engines, they are all powered by Natural Language Understanding (NLU). Its main purpose is to understand the intent of the user, and extract relevant information (entities) from what they said (speech) or wrote (text) to perform a relevant action. Entities can be anything from names, addresses, account numbers to very domain specific terms like names of chemicals, medicines, etc. NLU can also predict the sentiment of the user which can help analyze user behaviour or create chatbots and voicebots that respond to the user in a more empathetic tone.

Build use-cases via tutorials

  • Tutorials: Explore tutorials on real-world datasets for practical use-cases

Dive deeper

  • Concepts: Understand all fundamental concepts of Language Understanding to build your own project


  • Train with AutoNLP: Using our NLU APIs you can train your own AI models to predict intents as well as extract entities
  • Integrate and Scale with AutoMLOps: Scale or replicate your deployed models for higher availability and throughput and integrate them with your software through REST APIs
  • Language Support: Over 90 languages are supported including 21 Arabic dialects, 11 Indian languages, and various others spoken across Africa and South East Asia
  • Low Data Requirements: Our models are extremely data efficient. You can start training your models with just 10 examples per intent
  • Accelerate Dataset Creation with our Data Studio: Equipped with handy utility tools like an entity marker, our Data Studio is an in-browser text editor for creating datasets